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During the Fostering days of November, different workshops are planned over two weeks ! Please find below more details :

These sessions will take place at Saint Martin d’Hères (Buildings IMAG & MJK/campus universitaire) from 13 to 16 and from 21 to 22 Novembre.

  • 13th of Novembre (MONDAY all day long) : INFODAY  “SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE “ with interactive plenary sessions during which will be presented the various programs of the pilar 1 /H2020 “scientific excellence “. Representants of 4 national contact points, laureates and reviewers will be here to present:
    • a  report on previous calls for proposals ;
    • the  2018-2020 work programme  and future calls ;
    • detailed information about the funding opportunities offered by those four European programs

    The morning will be dedicated to Marie Curie’s Actions and FET programmes, the afternoon to ERC and Research infrastructure calls.

Programme and free mandatory registration “here”

  • the 14th of  Novembre (TUESDAY all day long) : workshop  on “how to write a competitive ERC proposal” – focus on CoG 2018

A plenary session during which are reviewed the call expectations, evaluation criteria and are analysed each party and subsection of the proposal. The plenary session is also the opportunity for the potential candidates to exchange with other researchers and meet laureates during a discussion. The breaks and lunch are offered.

  • the 15 of November (WEDNESDAY) + morning of  the 16th: ERC CLINICS – possibility to book an individual interview (one hour clinic) allowing to discuss more exactly its ERC project. Please indicate your interest during the registration process. Limited slots the D-day ! Additional clinics will be organized by skype if necessary !

Programme and free mandatory registration “here”

  • the 21 of Novembre (TUESDAY) : a “Writers workshop” dedicated to the Grenoble teams (researchers and administrative staff) willing to (re)submit their MSCA-ITN proposal
  • the 22 of Novembre : clinics for ITN resubmission (limited slots, contact to take with your Europe units) / Indeed, the teams identified as coordinators of an ITN project and who wish to re-submit in January, 2018, have the possibility of having a more than one hour face to face with a consultant.

Programme and free mandatory registration “here”

NB : All sessions except infoday will be in English.

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