Why and how to become expert evaluator at the E.C.?

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The European Commission (EC) has launched two calls for expressions of interest – open for the duration of the program – to individuals and organizations concerned (research agencies, universities, organizations, etc.) to establish a database of independent experts who may assist the EC services, for tasks related to Horizon 2020, the framework programme for research and innovation.

Thus, the Coordination of National Contact Points publishes a pamphlet
Become expert evalutor” (Download)

This pamphlet  answers many questions such as “why become expert? “” Who can be an expert? ‘,’ What is the evaluation work? “What is the compensation? “…

Registration required as an expert on the participant portal http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/experts/index.html

Source PCN Horizon2020 : www.horizon2020.gouv.fr

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