


Unmissable news and burning information

We're here to help you manage the information explosion! We found that scientists do not have all the information, or at least the relevant information, concerning research funding programs and in particular European programs. General information days take place according to the call schedule and in connection with the national contact point (PCN). A communication associating all the partners accompanies these different events.

Find out about funding opportunities

We have selected for you the essential and relevant information for each financing. 

ERC and MSCA will have no more secrets for you!

Breaking news

Laurent Blanchoin

Host Institution : CNRS Laboratory : BIG Call to project : Advanced (LS3) Project name : AAA – Adaptive Actin Architectures Amount :  2.35 M€ Description :  Although we have extensive knowledge of many important processes in cell biology, including information on many of the molecules involved … Read More

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Jérôme Bouvier

Host Institution : CNRS Laboratory : IPAG Call to project : Advanced (PE9) Project name : SPIDI – Star-Planet-Inner Disk Interactions : unveiling the formation and evolution of inner planetary systems Amount :  M€ Description : 

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Cecilia Ceccarelli

            Host Institution : UGA Laboratory : IPAG Call to project : Advanced (PE9) Name of the project : DOC – The Dawn of Organic Chemistry Amount : 2.45 M€ Description :  Terrestrial life is based on organic chemistry, on … Read More

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Michel Campillo

Host Institution : UGA Laboratory : ISTerre Call of project : Advanced (PE10) Project name : F-IMAGE – Seismic Functional Imaging of the Brittle Crust Amount : 2.43 M€ Description :  Despite the dramatic impact of earthquakes, the physics of their onset and the short-term behavior of … Read More

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Luca de Medici

Host Institution : ESPCI-Paris Laboratory : LPEM & ESRF_located at Grenoble Call to project : Consolidator (PE3) Project name : StrongCoPhy4Energy – Strongly Correlated Physics and Materials for Energy Technology Amount : 1.65 M€ Description :  “Materials where conduction electrons experience strong correlation in their dynamics, … Read More

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Guillaume Pignol

Host Institution : UGA Laboratory : LPSC Call to project : Starting (PE2) Project name : NEDM – The Neutron Electric Dipole Moment: pushing the precision to understand the matter-antimatter asymmetry Amount : 1.49 M€ Description :  The existence of a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of … Read More

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