


Unmissable news and burning information

We're here to help you manage the information explosion! We found that scientists do not have all the information, or at least the relevant information, concerning research funding programs and in particular European programs. General information days take place according to the call schedule and in connection with the national contact point (PCN). A communication associating all the partners accompanies these different events.

Find out about funding opportunities

We have selected for you the essential and relevant information for each financing. 

ERC and MSCA will have no more secrets for you!

Breaking news

Thibault Honegger

Host Institution : CNRS Laboratory : LTM Call to project : Starting (PE7) Name of the project : CONNEXIO – Physiologically relevant microfluidic neuro-engineering Amount: 1.72 M€ Description :  Developing minimalistic biological neural networks and observing their functional activity is crucial to decipher the information processing in the … Read More

Featured Post

Andrew Fefferman

Host Institution : CNRS Laboratory : Institut NEEL Call to project : Starting (PE3) Project name : UNIGLASS – The Enigmatic Universality of Glass Amount : 1.93 M€ Description :  The explanation for the distinct low temperature behavior of amorphous solids (glasses) is a long-standing open question. … Read More

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Christophe Moreau

Host Institution : CNRS Laboratory : IBS Call to project : Consolidator (LS1) Project name : NANOZ-ONIC – Bio-inspired electrONIC NOSE interfacing olfactory electrical biosensors and carbon NANOtubes Amount : 1.92 M€ Description :  The goal of this project is to develop an innovative biosensor for the … Read More

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Emmanuel Bossy

Host Institution : UGA Laboratory : Liphy Call to project : Consolidator (PE7) Project name : COHERENCE – Exploiting light coherence in photoacoustic imaging Amount : 2.11 M€ Description :  Photoacoustic imaging is an emerging multi-wave imaging modality that couples light excitation to acoustic detection, … Read More

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Gael de Paepe

Host Institution : CEA Laboratory :INAC Call to project : Consolidator (PE4) Project name : ULT-MAS-DNP – Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at ultra-fast sample spinning and ultra-low temperature Amount :1.99 M€ Description : The goal of the project is to develop a new hyperpolarization approach called … Read More

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Catherine Cécile Picart

            Host Institution : Grenoble Institute of Technology Laboratory : LMGP Call to project : Proof of Concept Project name : BIOACTIVECOATINGS – BioActive Coatings in multi-well cell culture plates Amount : 0.149 M€ Description :  Cell culture is … Read More

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