


Unmissable news and burning information

We're here to help you manage the information explosion! We found that scientists do not have all the information, or at least the relevant information, concerning research funding programs and in particular European programs. General information days take place according to the call schedule and in connection with the national contact point (PCN). A communication associating all the partners accompanies these different events.

Find out about funding opportunities

We have selected for you the essential and relevant information for each financing. 

ERC and MSCA will have no more secrets for you!

Breaking news

photo conference 28 04 2016

Videos of CONFERENCE | Debate of April 28, 2016 “The future of Science in Europe?”

Relive the conference with these 3 videos: Live drawings made by Cled12 :

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REGISTRATIONS OPENED for the 28th of April!

Registrations are now opened for the CONFERENCE – DEBATE « The future of Science in Europe ?” which will take place APRIL 28, 2016 – from 14PM to 18PM on the university campus (WEIL amphitheater) ! Free registrations here. The afternoon begins with … Read More

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Why and how to become expert evaluator at the E.C.?

The European Commission (EC) has launched two calls for expressions of interest – open for the duration of the program – to individuals and organizations concerned (research agencies, universities, organizations, etc.) to establish a database of independent experts who may … Read More

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Three new ERC – Proof of Concept – grants at Grenoble

The ERC  annonced on January, 22nd 2016, the names of the 135 winners of  the 2015 Proof of Concept call. Among the 10 Fecnh selected projects, three were proposed by researchers from Grenoble: Jérôme Chappellaz (CNRS-LGGE) OCEAN-IDs : OCEAN in-situ Isotope and Dissolved … Read More

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H2020 NCP Info: Focus on FET Open and MSCA Project Evaluations

On November 3rd 2015, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) and Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) National Contact Points organized an information day to provide feedback about the evaluation of MSCA and FET Open proposals. Download the presentations: Timo Hallantie ─ … Read More

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H2020 NCP Info: Funding for European and International Science Networks

On November 19th 2015, the ANR opened its second call for proposals to set up European and international science networks (first call opened in May). This initiative, known as MRSEI, aims to facilitate French researcher access to European funding programs, … Read More

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