


Unmissable news and burning information

We're here to help you manage the information explosion! We found that scientists do not have all the information, or at least the relevant information, concerning research funding programs and in particular European programs. General information days take place according to the call schedule and in connection with the national contact point (PCN). A communication associating all the partners accompanies these different events.

Find out about funding opportunities

We have selected for you the essential and relevant information for each financing. 

ERC and MSCA will have no more secrets for you!

Breaking news

!OVER! Writing Workshop: Writing Your MSCA Innovative Training Network Proposal

A new workshop for researchers and European project leaders! Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) are now part of the FOSTERING program. We will be providing Grenoble science teams with the opportunity to participate in a workshop dedicated to writing MSCA … Read More

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!OVER! FOSTERING 2015 Event – Fostering Scientific Excellence in Grenoble

SUPPORT FOR RESEARCHERS: FOSTERING SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE IN GRENOBLE The Université de Grenoble Alpes, the Nanosciences Foundation and the GIANT alliance will be organizing a three day event for researchers to learn about the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA), Future and … Read More

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Petr Ciz 336926.54

ERC NCP Info: Overview of 2014 ERC Participation

A total of 125 candidates hosted by French institutions received ERC Starting, Consolidator or Advanced grants in 2014. The ERC National Contact Point has published a report summarizing France’s participation the 2014 ERC calls for proposals. The 2014 ERC calls … Read More

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ERC NCP Info: 2016 Work Program

ERC NCP Info On July 29th 2015, the European Research Council (ERC) published the 2016 work program outlining future calls for proposals. This work program was validated by the European Commission on July 28th, 2015. Compared to the 2014 work … Read More

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National Contact Point ERC Information: Summary of Prep Session for ERC 2015 Consolidator Grant Oral Interviews

On July 6th 2015, the ERC National Contact Point (NCP) organized an event to help candidates prepare their interviews for the second phase of the 2015 Consolidator grant selection process. Candidates called for interviews will have to present their project … Read More

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Under the FOSTERING framework, the Université de Grenoble Alpes, the Nanosciences Foundation and the GIANT alliance will be organizing an information day in collaboration with the National Contact Points for ERC, FET and MSCA programs. The event will provide information … Read More

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